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About Kangen Machine And Its Water Benefits


Doctor otto Warburg won a Nobel prize in 1931 for his discovery of the "nature and mode of action of the respiratory the enzyme"

Doctor Warbrug 's research was linked to the study of a cancerous cell that was not the sole objective of his study or the reason why he received the Nobel prize

The website of the Nobel prize further mentions that Dr.Warburg's discovery "opened up a new way in the field of cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. He had shown among other things, that cancerous cells can live and develop even in the absence of oxygen".

However, Dr.Warburg's discovery eventually led to "The Warburg effect" a scientific observation that "cancer consumes glucose and excretes lactate."

In his 1926 paper, Dr.Warburg notes, "lactic acid is formed as the blood passes through the tumor," indicating when the blood within the veins and arteries passes through a cancerous tumor they produce lactic acid and hence turn acidic.

This means cancer cells cause the acidity of the blood and not the other way round.

So Dr.W Warburg'sresearch shows, that while it is true that cancerous cells thrive within an acidic environment. It is more of an effect of cancer and not the cause of the disease.


To know about the bracelet machine or to drink its water for free, you can contact us.

Contact Number:- 8222938310, 8059297084 Anil, Vinod Village - Kharkari (Hisar)


1. Kangan water is not a drug and hence it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease.

2. Person with any health-related problem should consult a qualified, licensed professional health care provider for guidance.

3. Our therapies are intended to enhance not replace any treatment program prescribed or recommended by a physician or healthcare professional.

4. We do not discriminate based on any unlawful categorization



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